Make your own curly fries at home

Make your own curly fries at home

We very rarely take the children out for dinner, rather opting for the occasional pizza. It’s not that we don’t want to but I hate paying exorbitant prices for food that I can cook just as well at home. They do frequent a particular restaurant with the Dad...
Easy frozen pea puree

Easy frozen pea puree

When you absolutely, positively feel you must serve a vegetable with your main meal and you’ve got nothing else in the fridge or freezer, you really can’t go past a versatile packet of frozen peas. My vegie crisper in the fridge, my pantry and my freezer...
Individual Pommes Anna

Individual Pommes Anna

Something that’s been ingrained in me since my childhood is to have potatoes or another starchy food served at every main meal. Sometimes it could be oven baked wedges, mashed potatoes or Gratin Dauphinois, a classic French baked dish of thinly sliced potatoes...
Sugar free cake using fruit & vegetables

Sugar free cake using fruit & vegetables

You’ve seen the recipes, right? Pumpkin loaf, Banana cake, apricots, peaches, sweet potato, zucchini, carrot etc etc. All beautiful combinations. They are all pretty similar recipes at the end of the day. They are an excellent way to use up fruit and vegetables...