
Welcome to the new home of Domesblissity! I finally got around to making the change from Blogger to WordPress. Something that I’ve been wanting to do for absolute ages. I didn’t personally do it. Abby from the blog Things For Boys, a true professional, did it for me.

When I started blogging nearly 5 years ago, I didn’t really know much about the difference between the various platforms. I really only knew of two and they were Blogger and WordPress. When I looked at WordPress it was like a foreign language to me. Blogger met my needs at the time but as my blog has grown, Blogger just didn’t have enough scope for how I wanted the blog to grow. Self hosting is another reason I wanted to make the change. It’s taken a lot of time to put together all the content in the Domesblissity blog and now I feel like I own it and it’s mine, not Blogger’s.

blog format

Nothing’s really changed. The content is all the same. It’s just the home page is different with a ‘magazine’ type format to easily find the most recent posts. There is also a ‘Blog’ heading on the left hand side of the heading bar and you can view all of my blog posts in the previous format, one after another, should you wish.

header with shop

I’ve also added a “Shop” to the blog and hope to be selling some wonderful things in the coming months. I really want to make a living from the blog to help support my family and to me, running the Domesblissity blog doesn’t really feel like a job. It’s what I love to do. If I can make an income from it, why not?

There’s a few things need tidying up like new Categories and Tags created, all my previous recipes put into a recipe card type format for easy printing, if required. (That might be a big job but I’ll slowly get through it.) Also, checking that everything else is working. With over 1,100 posts, I’ve got a bit of work to do.

I hope you like the new format and it’s more user-friendly. Feel free to drop me a line if you feel there should be more improvements. I’d love to know what you think.

Thanks too for sticking with Domesblissity all these years. Everyone who visits really does feel like a family member or friend to me and I’ve loved knowing you all these years.


Best wishes,

Anne xx