A couple of weeks ago we were at our local fruit and vegetable market and I saw the most beautiful bunch of radishes on a seller’s table. They looked like a bunch of roses in all different shades of pink. I’m not a huge fan of raw radishes but I wondered if I pickled them, it would take that ‘hot’ taste away and make them more sweet and sour. This was so easy, I’m going to pickling a few more things.
As you can see, they were just a bunch of gorgeousness. I couldn’t resist taking a photo and the seller said I wasn’t the first to take photos that day.
I’m no expert at pickling or canning but found this to be really easy. It was just a matter of combining water, vinegar, salt, sugar and peppercorns. Making sure the the sugar and salt was dissolved. Find a glass container and fill with boiled water to sterilise.


Remove the stems from the radishes and wash well to remove all the grit. (The radishes are great in a salad.)

If you’ve got a mandoline slicer, you can get a very thin slice. Mandolines aren’t that expensive from the discount variety stores.

Put the sliced radishes in the jar then cover with the pickling solution.


Put in the fridge overnight to allow the flavours to develop and use as required. They are great in salads, on sandwiches or crackers or eaten just as they are. Pickling them takes away the ‘hot’ taste and makes them sweet and sour and delicious. Hope you give it a try.
Pickled Radishes
  • 1/2 cup vinegar
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1.1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbs whole black (or pink) peppercorns


  1. Dissolve sugar and salt in vinegar, then add peppercorns.
  2. Sterilise a glass jar by filling with boiling hot water and then drain.
  3. Thinly slice radishes using a mandoline.
  4. Fill the sterilised jar with sliced radishes and pour over the pickling liquid.
  5. Refrigerate overnight and use as required in salads, sandwiches etc.