If there’s one thing I love when I’m flat out (like I have been these last couple of weeks and will be for the next couple of weeks) and that’s to have a quick meal ready to throw together without having to rely on takeout, like we sometimes do.  When I boil rice or pasta for a meal, I quadruple the amount so I can package family size servings of rice/pasta for quick easy meals.  It’s also a great way to use up leftover roast meat and other bits and pieces.

Oriental fried rice is one such meal. You can eat it on it’s own or as an accompaniment to a stir fry or other Asian dish. You can put in it whatever you like. I usually do bacon, egg, peas, corn, bean sprouts and (if I have them) baby shrimp/prawns. It’s never going to taste exactly the same as Chinese takeout fried rice but it’s pretty tasty.

Oriental Fried Rice

quantity of boiled rice (spread out on a tray and allowed to dry out)
2 tbs oil for frying
3 bacon rashers, chopped finely
1 medium onion, diced finely (or 3 green onions, diced finely)
small handful of frozen baby shrimp (or fresh)
3 or more cups boiled rice
1-2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup green peas
1/2 cup corn kernels
3 tbs soy sauce
1/2 tsp sesame oil
2 tsp chicken stock powder

  1. Gently fry bacon and onion in oil until lightly browned.
  2. Add beaten egg to fry pan, spread thinly and ‘shred’ with spatula.
  3. Add rice, vegetables, soy sauce, sesame oil and chicken stock powder and toss thoroughly.