When it’s back to school time, you are probably inundated with “school labelling” companies offering gorgeous tags, dots, stickers and labels in every colour under the rainbow for the low, low price of $29.95 and then some. I actually thought I had to buy these labels when my daughter started Kindergarten. I stuck the stickers on drink bottles, lunch boxes and food coolers. Yeah, they stuck for about 2 washes and that was it. It’s not necessary.

What you need

All you need is a laundry proof “Sharpie” and white out and/or fabric paint to mark dark items like black school shoes.
My kids both got new socks this year and after 2 years of washing, the Sharpie on the old socks withstood the test of time (and washing).
Most of the school uniforms, that is shorts, skirts, t-shirts and dresses come with an inbuilt tag which just needs to be marked.

There’s lunch boxes. Check out how cool this lunch box is that Santa bought my son.


I use fabric paint pens for the inside of school bags and satchels.
And I use liquid paper to mark the inside of shoes. When the school says to label everything, I do. If a child has something in their possession at school, it can and will get lost. I’ve been pretty lucky with my daughter not losing anything. Plenty of times things are left behind at school but as long as it’s marked, 9 times out of 10, we can usually reclaim it. We’ll see how I go with my son starting school this year. Less than a week to go. The countdown has begun!