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Up until yesterday, this house did not have one brick of Lego in it. That’s right. I’ll admit it. My bad Mum? The main reason was I managed to puncture the soles of my feet with every other toy known to child-kind. My Little Pony brushes, car parts, Polly Pocket paraphernalia, you name it. I. Did. Not. Want. More.
It wasn’t until a few weeks ago my 5 year old son’s teacher told me how fantastic my son was doing at school and how great he was with Lego. “He must have a great collection at home?”, she asked. I said, “no, he doesnt have it”. She was in shock. She suggested I get some, so his good behaviour reward for staying out of the Principal’s office this first term was a box of Lego. I don’t remember having it when I was young but I got such a kick out of helping put together a police van for dogs. My daughter has also shown a great interest in it. I even went out and bought a 3 drawer filing box so he can store it so it doesn’t get underfoot.
Does this mean I’ll weaken this November, come their birthdays, and buy them a Nintendo DS handheld device or a Wii or an XBox? Other things the teacher thinks they would benefit from?  I better start saving now.