Melbourne is the capital city of Victoria, one of Australia’s southern states, small in area but a population of around 4,000,000 in the greater Melbourne area. It’s one of my most favourite cities, to visit, being the food capital of Australia, the sporting capital of Australia and rich in culture, history and the arts. My husband is originally from Melbourne and I’ve been there quite a few times. We tried living there, for 6 months, but I couldn’t stand the weather. If only it had Brisbane’s climate it would really live up to it’s “most liveable city” claim for me.

I’ll be accompanying my 6 year old daughter to the Tutankhamun Exhibition at the Melbourne Museum on Friday. She’s been studying it this term at school and is fascinated by it. It might be a once in a lifetime

opportunity for her to see it.

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We’ll also be staying with my in laws and while there, I’ll leave my daughter with them and check out some of the sights, sounds and tastes of Melbourne. I’ll also try to catch up with some friends down there as well. Looking at the long range weather forecast, we’re in for glorious Spring weather so Melbourne, get ready, we’re on our way.

[photo source]

I’ll be offline from Thursday evening until probably Tuesday but will catch up with everyone when I return. I have scheduled some blog posts so if you comment and I don’t respond, I’ll try to catch up with you on my return. See you when I get back!