Want to know how to declutter when moving? In the lead-up to moving house, there’s no better time to go through your belongings and declutter. After all, you’re about to make a fresh start in a new house, and you’re open to changing your environment.

How To Declutter When Moving - Domesblissity.com

Decluttering can seem like an overwhelming task before a move, but starting early and approaching the task methodically will help to make your move a more peaceful, organised, and enjoyable event. It will also save you time and money, as you won’t be paying a removalist to move boxes full of junk or furniture you don’t need anymore.

Tackle the job one step at a time

Start this task several weeks before your move and set aside a small amount of time each day. In each room, bring three boxes: one for things to pack, one for things to donate or sell, and one for rubbish. Online groups that allow you to give things away for free, such as Freecycle, are a wonderful resource. You get to declutter and feel good about your unwanted items getting a second lease on life.

Collectibles and toys

This is a good time to have a look at your stamp, coin, or spoon collection and really meditate on what it means to you. Is your collection on display or is it hidden from view? Do you look at it frequently, and do you feel happiness, or despair when it catches your eye?

Cardboard boxes on the floor. Some books and balls can be seen in the open boxes

If you can bring yourself to part with some of your collectibles, this is a good opportunity to demonstrate to your children what decluttering looks like and how sometimes that involves overcoming a sentimental bond in favour of practical reasoning. You could ask your children if there are any toys that they don’t play with often anymore and whether or not another child might enjoy them more.

The Kitchen

The average kitchen is rife with multiple items and is a great place to declutter. You probably don’t need four cake tins or three pastry brushes. You might also find a lot of old, crusty bakeware or small appliances that are gathering dust. Think popcorn, doughnut or pie maker machines – when did you last use them?

Clothing and Books

Research shows that we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. That presents a wonderful opportunity to pare down. If you haven’t worn something for two years – chances are you won’t.

Also, consider your book collection. If you’ve read and enjoyed it, think about how much enjoyment another person can have in reading that book if you can pass it on to a friend or donate it.

The Home Office

While it’s recommended that any tax-related documents like payslips, bank statements, and receipts should be kept for seven years – many of the other documents we have we can probably live without.

Consider scanning important documents and shredding the hard copy if you feel you have an excessive amount of paperwork. These days, most bank statements, bills, and utility paperwork can be re-downloaded from the associated website if needed later on.

Closing Tips

If you are still struggling, apply this simple test. With any object you’re considering packing for your move, see if you can picture where it goes in the new house – and consider whether it’s worth the effort of sorting, packing, labelling, moving, unpacking and putting away. If it doesn’t seem worthwhile, then it’s probably a good time to let it go. Apply this tip and the tips above to make your impending move a lot smoother.