What wonderful memories I have of the Aussie classic Iced Vovo biscuit. My Mum baked a lot for us but occasionally she’d treat us with a packet of Iced Vovo’s. I was wondering how I could recreate them at home so set out to try to make a homemade Iced Vovo Biscuit.

Homemade Iced Vovo Biscuits www.domesblissity.com

If you look at the original, I didn’t want to be fussing with cutting out biscuit dough or piping icing as strategic as a machine could so used my Old Fashioned Crispy Coconut Cookie biscuit recipe as a base.

The store bought version of an Iced Vovo is a plain rectangle shaped biscuit base topped with pink fondant icing with raspberry jam in the middle and topped with coconut. I can remember them being a bit more generous with the icing when I was young but the flavour is still the same.

Old fashioned crispy coconut biscuits www.domesblissity.com

I made my coconut cookies a bit large but that’s okay. I was never scared of a big cookie! I liked the thought of the extra coconut in the cookie too. You could make plain biscuits if you wanted to.

I made a pink icing and using my small ice cream scoop, placed small scoops of icing on each biscuit.

Homemade Iced Vovo Biscuits www.domesblissity.com

I then placed a small amount of raspberry jam (or was it strawberry? either would do) in the middle and sprinkled coconut on top. Allow the icing to set and you’re good to go.

As these biscuits were bound for school lunchboxes, I sandwiched them together with another cookie. You could leave them ‘open’.

I do love to bake as a way to relax and sometimes I like to go outside the normal things I bake for the kid’s lunchboxes and try and recreate store bought biscuits like these Arnotts Monte Carlo Biscuits. They were really good.

Homemade Iced Vovo Biscuits www.domesblissity.com