When I made up my mind I was going to go on the Travel Bugs (online Meetup group of women aged between 35 to 65 who love to travel) weekend away to Cabarita Beach, NSW, I knew I’d like to give everyone a little something. Something that wouldn’t cost a lot but that could act as a little ‘ice breaker’ or talking point to get to know everyone. (I also never like to miss an opportunity to share the Domesblissity name and share what I do here on the blog.)

With a few little things found around the home, you can put together a fun little gift bag for your friends. I also managed to get a lovely pink lip gloss from Stefan which the girls absolutely adored and a sample of face cleanser and moisturiser from GAIA.  GAIA do a handy little travel pack of beauty essentials for the traveller so a sample was just perfect for this lot of galavanting gals.

In the bag, I included the following items with a brief little explanation of what they were used for:

Stefan lip gloss – to brighten that smile
GAIA moisturiser & cleanser – to take time out for a
mini facial
Band-Aid – if things get a little rough
Balloon – let the air out of your worries
Paracetamol –  to cure
any hangovers
Nail file – to keep everything smooth
Ball – to help you bounce back
Rubber band – to stretch beyond your limits
Paper clip – to keep everything together
Crayon – to colour your day
Tea bag – take time out for a cuppa
Match – to light your fire when you’re feeling burnt out
Toothpicks – to keep your eyes open
I was looking online and at my local art and craft shops for a suitable gift bag to hold all the goodies. I just happened to be passing one of those dollar stores near my sister’s place and spotted these ‘spotty’ Ladybug bags. I thought it fitted in really well with the ‘Travelbug’ theme. Special thanks to our Travelbug organiser Karen, for helping me put them all together and putting them in everyone’s rooms for their arrival. 
Special thanks to the following companies for their generosity in providing goodies: