
On this official last day of summer here in Australia (I only just got in – thank goodness for a leap year), I was reflecting on, how in the past, I would be sad at the thought of the last day of summer. We’re pretty blessed here where I live in Queensland that the weather is pretty mild all year round, except for about 3 months in winter time. Normally, the days start to get shorter, the nights cooler, no more humidity (thank goodness) and no more beach days, swimming, cool icy treats and fun outside. But lately I have felt like every day is summer to me.


My husband with his late Mum, circa 1970’s

We didn’t start out this summer very well losing my dear mother-in-law in early December to cancer. Being without her for my husband’s birthday on the 23rd of December and Christmas was really sad. We did however soldier on and celebrate those events as best we could. It was my daughter’s first year of not believing in Santa but she was still pretty excited with her haul of Christmas presents. January was busy with school holidays and managing children, study, the household and looking for a job. I was successful in scoring a little part time job but in early February we were rocked with the news of the death of a really dear friend to my husband. I met him a couple of times but my husband had known him for quite a few years and although they didn’t catch up all the time, they were very near and dear.

Dr William von Witt died in a kite surfing accident in Moreton Bay.

Photo Credit & Story

This man and what I knew about him had a very exciting life. He was born in the UK with an older sister and lived a very full and adventurous life. He didn’t start out that well as a baby suffering illnesses which led him to develop epilepsy which would contribute to troubles in his life and maybe his subsequent death. He was an accomplished doctor, singer, violin player, gym junkie, health nut, lover of all music especially heavy metal and an avid lover of sports especially those involving the water. One of his greatest loves was kite boarding where you use a surfboard to stand on and a large kite-like sail to capture the wind to ‘drag’ you over and above the waves. He was very good at it and couldn’t wait for a windy day to get out on the water. Even though he had surgery to repair his epilepsy many years before, it came out that he still had mild seizures. He drowned back on the 9th of February while kite boarding, probably suffering a mild seizure.

Why I’m mentioning it here is because I have never met someone who had overcome so many obstacles and hurdles in his life (other than my darling husband, of which he had a few), who went on to achieve great things. He was truly an asset to the world and a person that will be sorely missed.


As I reflect on this last day of summer and think about all the things I’m going to be missing, I’m grateful for so many things and don’t think I’m missing out on anything. Never in my life have I met a man I’m so in love with that is my husband. I feel pretty much that every day is like summer with him. I got the nicest surprise on Friday. A dear friend of mine messaged me and said that she happened to be our local corner store a week ago and she heard this man’s voice at the counter. He was saying how sick his wife was and how buying this tub of ice cream would hopefully cheer her up. When my friend looked, it was my husband. She said how lucky I was to have someone like that who cared so deeply for me and how I truly deserved it. It really made my husband’s and my day.

It’s not only things like that. He is so affectionate and caring. In nearly 2 years we’ve never said a bad word to each other. We just don’t need to. We know that we can speak openly to each other without fearing retribution and we truly care about each other’s feelings. He really is so precious and I’m so glad I met him. 


Besides that, my children are so dear to me. As they get older and become more independent, time is quickly ticking away and those cute days of cuddles and joking around are coming to an end. I try to cuddle my son, who is 9 years old, as much as I can as I know he won’t want me to for much longer. My daughter and I still cuddle and joke but she is becoming more serious and growing up at 11 years of age. Their quirky little ways bring so much joy to my heart and I treasure every moment I have them.


My two elderly dogs still bring me a lot of joy as well. There’s no slowing down for my 15 year old Mini Fox Terrier. She’s still as spritely as ever and and has such a personality. It sure will be a sad day when they pass. They’ve enriched my life so much. I don’t think about it too much but rather enjoy every day I have them.

So, as far as Autumn (Fall) and Winter goes for me this year, they’re just like endless summer days to me. I’m taking a leaf out of my husband’s friend’s book and grabbing life with both hands and enjoying every moment of it. We have so much we want to do, my husband and I, as both a couple and a family and we’re striving towards it but taking each day as it comes. Life is really good for me at the moment, no matter what the season.