My daughter’s first Christmas 2004

We’re well in to the swing of things with the Christmas season upon us. In fact, it’s  been with us for weeks already. Each year it seems to get earlier and earlier. To think that we celebrate Jesus’ birthday on one day, December 25th, but the celebrations go on for months and months before and cost dollars and dollars. They don’t have to. You don’t have to get caught up in the buy, buy, buy mentality that consumerism puts upon us.

Christmas Tree

I think throughout the whole of my childhood, my Mum only had the one lot of Christmas decorations. They didn’t deteriorate. How could they? They were only used for a couple weeks of the year. We never worried about having matching Christmas decorations or going for a different colour scheme every year. My children don’t care about matching colour schemes. They prefer (as do I) to see their handmade decorations adorning the tree. My Christmas tree is about 12 years old and there’s not a thing wrong with it. It will probably do us for another 12 years. Don’t feel pressured to update your decorations or your tree.

Macadamia & White Chocolate Cookies


I’ve succombed to Mummy guilt and have bought my children a Wii for Christmas. I thought we did pretty good to hold out for 8 years on buying anything electronic for them. Besides that and a DVD each and a couple store bought things, my children aren’t getting any more. All my other presents will be handmade. I’m not trying to be a martyr or show off by telling you this. I just don’t want you to feel pressured into buying everything the store suggests we should buy as gifts. Secret Santas, gift cards, gift packs, teacher’s gifts etc etc etc. Keep the money in your pocket. Bake a batch of biscuits and put them on a $2 plate from the op shop. I’m sure the recipient will appreciate that much more than a $40 gift basket of stuff they’ll never use and the basket and most of the contents will finish up at the op shop anyway.

Advent Calendars

Looking in the stores recently, I think there’s every single character available on an Advent calendar. Even Angry Birds. What’s the deal with that? Even thinking you have to buy a gift for every day, for every child in the 25 day lead up to Christmas. We didn’t do that at all as kids nor did we miss it. I pressured myself into believing that I should have an Advent calendar last year and came up with this. I spent extra money on Christmas type trinkets that I thought my children needed. They all finished up spread all over the house. I kept most of them to be used for Christmas craft again this year but not again. I was going to do another calendar this year and fill it with a 20 cent coin but why? There’s no rule that we need Advent calendars and my kid’s lives won’t be any richer for having it. It might be a tradition in some countries but I’m ruling this one out in my house. I’m steering clear of any homemade calendars or those nasty ones from the store.

My daughter aged 3 at a work Christmas party

Christmas Entertaining

I remember in my younger days, there was always the work Christmas parties, catching up with that person and this person. I know I would go all out ensuring I had the latest trends in food adorning my dinner table. Don’t feel pressured into thinking you need fresh seafood and expensive wines and champagnes to entertain your friends. Follow the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) philosophy. You’re there to enjoy the company of your friends and relatives not impress them with a feast that set you back $200 on matching tableware that cost you another $200. Keep an eye out for beautiful Christmas tableware at op shops for as little as $2 a piece.

Christmas lunch at my Mum’s place last year – everyone bought something

Christmas Dinner

Who’s putting Christmas dinner on in your family? Is it you? Your Mum? Your brother’s family? Whoever it is don’t let them bare the expense of putting it all on. I know that’s a tradition from the past but if everyone ‘brought a plate’ it would cost hardly anything at all. The supermarkets are full of crazy ‘cray cray’ people at Christmas time, every year, thinking they need a whole ham, half ham, 5 kilos of prawns, piece of roasting pork/beef/lamb, Christmas cake, Christmas pudding blah blah blah. It goes on and on and it can send the most sane person crazy thinking they have to supply all of this food for everyone. Let’s break with some of these traditions and use the KISS method again. We’re all there to enjoy each other’s company not impress them with food covering every inch of the table and the presents piled so high under the tree.

I hope you don’t think I sound like Ebenezer Scrooge. I don’t mean it to sound that way. I love Christmas more than anyone and have done all of those things above. Things are a little tight in our house and I know I can create the same memories and fun without all the expense and fuss. Even if you can afford it, just think of the affect buying all this ‘stuff’ has on our environment, and our sanity.

I’m linking up with the lovely Jess from Essentially Jess for her IBOT linky party.