When I started this blog over 4 years ago, it’s sole purpose was to be for storing my recipes somewhere, online, to share with my children when they left home (whenever that would be). It’s grown into a lot more than that, sharing stories, recipes and frugal tips with people from all over the world.
I summed it up pretty well in my About Page what Domesblissity stood for but as time has passed and my children have grown (my daughter nearly 10 and my son nearly 8), my so called ‘blissfully domestic’ life has changed in so many ways. Some days I’m just about tearing my hair out and other days I just go with the flow and try my best to keep myself and the kids happy.
I was looking through old photos I’ve taken which have been shared on Instagram and Facebook and remembered the chaos that went on either before or after the photo or just the sheer joy I got from doing something for the children which was appreciated. It’s not always like that, especially as they are getting older but I thought I’d start sharing them again on my Facebook page and writing what ‘Domesblissity’ means to me. Maybe some of you can relate. 
Maybe it’s dropping everything to sew something for your daughter’s Barbie.
Or turning pancake batter into different shapes as per your kid’s requests. I know mine get a real kick out of something like this which doesn’t take a lot of effort (even though they are quite ‘dodgy’ at times).
I’m definitely not Mother of the year, most times opting to ignore the bad behaviour and letting them fight it out or making them wear the same dirty socks because I’m behind in the washing but I will make a bit of effort to create special memories for them, just as my Mother did for me.
If you’re not following me on Facebook, click here and stay tuned for more photos and what my blissfully domestic life means to me.