Nail Art

I gotta tell you, my son’s bedroom makeover has certainly become a labour of love or else I think I might’ve given up a long time ago. It’s slowly coming along mainly because I keep changing my mind, keep looking at Pinterest and keep coming up with new ideas and additions for his room. He originally only wanted a ‘zebra’ themed room but that was too hard, originally, but I came up with the idea of doing a DIY faux zebra skin for his wall.


Way back, when I started, I found this zebra canvas print. I thought it was perfect but I just didn’t like the bright yellow. I googled on ways to make it look more ‘worn’ or ‘old or thought about changing the yellow completely but it all involved buying copius amounts of expensive paint and finishes so I came up with the idea of using a faux fur fabric in zebra print to cover the canvas. Admittedly the faux fur was $20 but I thought if and when he changes his mind, the fabric can be used again and so can the print, if I can find a wall for it. Alternatively, I can always cover the print in different fabric if I want to. I picked up this print from my local op shop for only $5.


If was pretty easy. Just a matter of laying the fabric down, placing the canvas print on top and using a large staple gun, staple it into place. 


I started with one staple on one side, then stapled in the same place but on the opposite side and then either sides ensuring the fabric was kept taut.


That’s it. It’s certainly added a bit of drama to the wall and no zebra was harmed in the making of this wall art. Only curtains to hang and that’s all. Hopefully I’ll be able to share the completed makeover very soon.
