
Let me tell you about my downstairs room. When we bought this house, it was such a great room. The previous owners sold us their pool table. The room had a built in bar. We put in comfy lounges and it was a great place to have a party and entertain friends. Along comes two children and the pool table goes and it becomes a play room, of sorts, for them. It has morphed into so many different rooms over the years but 4 years ago, when I was separated, it was a dumping ground. It had no real purpose and it just stored a lot of ‘stuff’. When my lovely husband moved in he set about transforming the space into a cinema room come multipurpose media room and he’s done an amazing job. I’ve been reluctant to share the makeover pictures because I felt like the room just hasn’t been ‘finished’. It’s just about there and I’ve been trying to fill a few spots on shelves and that’s how this DIY Artificial Succulent came about. (Long story, I know!)


I’m always out and about looking at op shops and for second hand goods, just for ‘that’ thing but no luck on this occasion. I reluctantly went to a discount store near me to look at the artificial succulents they had for sale. They were priced at between $15 and $25 and they were so small and looked really tacky. I went ‘shopping’ at the best place in town instead, my house. It’s what I usually do when I’m trying to create a look. I change things up a bit and use what I have. I make do. I found an old plant pot in the shed,

which had the perfect little picture on it. The cacti were being used in another arrangement in another part of the house so I grabbed them and I knew I had some rocks somewhere and eventually found them after my recent craft supplies clean up and set about making my own succulent arrangement.


I must’ve picked up the cacti somewhere along the line for probably 50 cents and I’m not sure where the ceramic plant pot came from. It might’ve even been my mother-in-law’s.


Hubby is a big believer in a product called “Liquid Nails”. If it’s got a leak, he liquid nails it. It’s great stuff. I just put a small amount in the bottom of the pot to secure the cacti.


Position the other plants into place until your happy with the arrangement and allow the liquid nails to set. You could use some other kind of glue. Whatever you have.


I found my bag of rocks. The ones I held onto for years because I knew they’d come in handy one day and that day came.


You could put dirt, sand or foam, just about anything over the top of the liquid nailed plants but I just decided to use all rocks.


And that’s basically it. Don’t go off and buy something knew because you need to fill a space when decorating your home. Always ‘shop’ at home first. I’m sure there’ll always be something suitable. Even if it is a real plant, a bit of greenery from the garden, a framed print or photo or some little souvenir you’ve picked up over the years. This cost me $0. Stay tuned for the big reveal of my downstairs room makeover.
