I was talking to an acquaintance recently, explaining I feel so blue some days that I just find myself wanting to go to sleep and not do a thing. The only thing I’m capable of is dealing with the kids. I work through things in my mind or talk to friends and family and after a couple hours, I’m okay again thinking how could I possibly have been feeling so depressed.


I’ve told my friend about some wonderful things I’ve read on the internet, quotes from books, inspirational books, messages of hope and praise etc and she suggested I create an “emotional rescue” kit. That could be a scrapbook, a notepad detailing references or using an online resource like Pinterest.

I like to use Pinterest a lot to sort recipes, craft projects, words of inspiration, home decorating ideas, etc etc so I created a board called “Emotional Rescue”. Any inspirational blogs, web sites, books, quotes etc that always pick me up and make me feel good about life will be put there and when I start to have one of these http://www.shannonrovers.com/profile/Paulsen blue days, I’ll refer to this board instead. There is a Pinterest app so I’ll have it on my smart phone as well.

If you aren’t on Pinterest and would like an invite, just let me know. Feel free to follow me as well. I’m “Anne @ Domesblissity”. Here’s my board if you’d like to see what I’ve pinned.

This Thursday, 13 September 2012, is R U OK? Day in Australia. If you’re in need of a bit more than emotional rescue, help is available. Don’t give up if the crisis line you’re calling is engaged. Talk to a sister, brother, mother, father, friend, doctor, teacher, neighbour, anyone. It’s not too late and life is worth living. On the other hand, ask people who may be having a bit of a bad trot if they’re okay and talk to them. For more information, check out the R U OK? website.

And just because every part of my life can be put in a song, here’s a great blast from the past. From a time in my life when things were carefree and fun.