Have you ever noticed how good a bit of a stretch can feel?

Perhaps that’s why we automatically find ourselves inhaling deeply and fully extending from our fingers to our toes, as our first movement when we wake in the morning.

woman with long hair and glasses stretching at her desk

We also tend to naturally stretch our bodies after a long spell at our desk, or behind the wheel, or any other sedentary activity.

While any decent personal trainer will include some stretching to help you warm up, and then wind down after a workout, what many people don’t realise is that stretching is a great exercise in its own right!

Perhaps you remember this song from the popular children’s program, Romper Room, back in the 70s and 80s:  

“Bend and stretch, reach for the stars, there goes Jupiter, here comes Mars …”

The kids on TV – along with their counterparts at home – would bend and stretch, swaying from side to side, standing on their tippy toes, and other gentle movements, all while singing along and having fun.

If you do remember it, chances are you could benefit from a bit of bend and stretch more than ever these days – even if you do find the movements a little more challenging!

The Benefits of Bend and Stretch

A bit of a bend and stretch every day will bring you a host of benefits physically, mentally and emotionally. For example, stretching is good for:

  • posture – helping you to stand tall, and promoting self-confidence;
  • strength, flexibility and mobility – warding off the stiffness, aches and pains that tend to accompany growing older. Without regular stretching, your muscles shorten and become tight, which limits their range of movement. It really is true – if you don’t use it, you lose it;
  • stress busting – as your muscles relax, your blood flow increases, and endorphins are released;  
  • boosting energy levels – and we could all do with more of that!

While yoga and Pilates are formal exercises designed to help you stretch your way to wellbeing, there’s no need to race out and buy a gym membership (especially in these COVID times).

With this simple children’s song, you can easily incorporate some stretching into your daily routine. Bonus points if you do it with your children or grandchildren!

Don’t be fooled into thinking that small, gentle movements aren’t as valuable as intense workouts. They are just as beneficial, in different ways – particularly because you will be more likely to actually do them.

We all know that it can be all too tempting to make excuses, staying in bed or on the couch, rather than heading out for a yoga session or spin class! Whereas you can “bend and stretch” your way to wellbeing in just a couple of minutes, right where you are.