
Welcome to the new Domesblissity, a place to call H.O.M.E. – Homemaking, Organising, Making-do Education. I’ve been working behind the scenes to introduce a whole new look here at Domesblissity and I can’t wait to share this new and exciting program with you all.

So, what’s it all about?

When I started the Domesblissity blog, 5 years ago today, it was going to be nothing more than a place to store recipes I cooked for my family so they had something to refer to when (and if) they leave home. I soon started getting followers and I learnt all about ‘blogging’ and it just grew from there. Even the name Domesblissity is a take on what I’ve always strived to achieve wherever I’ve lived and that’s domestic bliss.



I could go on for another year 5 years sharing another 100 different ways to make my basic muffin recipe or share with you yet another recipe for a pretty ordinary meal which is just an attempt to get my very picky daughter to eat. But, Domesblissity, for me, is a whole lot more than that. Everything you’ve read on my blog is what goes on in my home. I only share the recipes mainly, a few DIY projects and, occasionally, something like how to wash thermal lined curtains, for example, but so much more goes on behind the scenes.

I’ve sewn my own clothes, been creative, redecorated with things I already have in my home and I’ve enjoyed a rich and rewarding life full of wonderful experiences, even more so since having my children.

I consider myself very, very lucky to have been raised by wonderful teachers in my mother and grandmothers and learnt how to keep house and a whole range of crafts, how to cook, clean, organise and, most importantly, make do. 

I feel I have a very rich life. I want for absolutely nothing. Having this attitude throughout my adolescent years and adult life has put me in good stead to have a very comfortable and happy home, something I believe is very important. Even when I did have a very successful career and lived on my own, I still op shopped for designer clothes, cooked from scratch and spent my money on experiences rather than ‘stuff’. I’m passing this knowledge onto my children and already the effects have been noticed with their knowledge of cooking the basics and reusing and recycling.

Over the years, I’ve picked up on things on the interwebs from time to time and read some really unusual things from people who ask, for example, how to put together a basic meal or the exorbitant amount they spend on their weekly groceries. I want to help these people, and anyone else who needs it, to show how easy it really is.


I also want you to know that my house isn’t perfect. It’s far from it sometimes but what’s most important to me is how I look after who is in my home and not what is in my home.

How can I help?


I want you all to know it doesn’t have to be like this. I am very much a lover of all things vintage and this includes a lot of my grandmother’s ways but we are so blessed in this day and age to have modern gadgets and appliances to help us. We also live in an age where the internet, smart phones and a wide choice of electronic entertainment is at our fingertips so we don’t want to be spending days on end cleaning and tidying our homes. I want to make it easier for you.

I want to introduce you to a few new habits, teach you how to cook from scratch, have a well stocked pantry so you will never go hungry, organise all aspects of your home life, use simple methods to keep on top of your housework and how to make do with what you have already and avoid the temptation to buy ‘stuff’. I hope this will change your life.

My home is your home and you’re always welcome here at Domesblissity, a place to call H.O.M.E.

Also, I’ll still be sharing family friendly, frugal recipes, reviews, the Thriving on Thursday linky party will continue and the usual things you’ve grown accustomed to seeing on the blog.

Thanks for sticking with me over the last 5 years.