We all have those days when cleaning the whole house is necessary. Whether it’s a weekly or bi-weekly schedule, home cleaning is a great way to keep dirt away from your house, not to mention it also serves as a workout. However, there are times when we think that a whole day is not enough to cover every room and area of the house.

The Best Home Cleaning Tips To Get Your Home Cleaned Faster www.domesblissity.com

As far as cleaning fast is concerned, the key is to have a system – a set of steps or a process that you follow. Of course, moving quickly is also a part of the equation. The main principles of your system should be to start upstairs and work your way down and to make sure you never go back to a room or area again.

So, to help you with your cleaning woes, we’ve listed the best home cleaning tips for you. With these, it’ll only be a matter of an hour, and you’ll be done.

Area #1: Bedroom

  • Stash off any unnecessary items clogging your dresser, mini table or your closet. Store your makeup in small pouches to eliminate clutter. Put dirty linens in the wastebasket, and then empty it later.
  • Once the room is clearer, make the bed. Here’s a quick tip for faster tucking: instead of tucking the bottom sheets under the mattress, try lifting each corner of the mattress using one hand and use the other to tuck.
  • Next is to eliminate dust. Get that dry microfiber cloth and dusting spray and start to wipe down every piece of furniture. Dust the surfaces using a back-to-front motion instead of back-and-forth. For mirrors, use a long-handled duster.
  • The last step is to vacuum the floor. Start from the back corners and work your way to the door. Tip: You can use any type or brand of vacuum cleaner, but if you want the new generation of vacuum cleaners, you can choose from this wide Roomba range.

Area #2: Bathroom

  • Spray your all-purpose cleaner on the vanity, sink, shower, and tub. Let the liquid sit and start the next step.
  • Thoroughly scrub the toilet using a brush and baking soda. Flush once done. Spritz all-purpose spray on the toilet surface, and wipe down using a microfiber cloth.
  • Clean the mirror with the spray and cloth starting from the top to bottom and using a circular motion.
  • Now, scrub the sink, followed by the wiping of the tub and shower. You can also fully scrub those two if you opt to, but if time is not on your side, a quick swipe will do.
  • Lastly, dampen a microfiber mop and start to clean the floor. Start on a back corner and up to the door.

Area #3: Kitchen

  • Start with the dishes by loading them in the dishwasher. The Best Home Cleaning Tips To Get Your Home Cleaned Faster www.domesblissity.com
  • Put any clutter on the counter back to where they rightly belong such as in the drawers or cupboard.
  • If there are stains on your countertop or stove, spend a minute to eliminate them. Scrape off any dirt as well.
  • Using a microfiber cloth and all-purpose spray, clean the counter starting from the back to the front. Let crumbs fall down the floor. Next, wipe down appliances with a wet cloth.
  • Finally, sweep the floor and wipe it with a dampened mop after.

Area #4: Living room

  • Start by decluttering the room. Just like in the bedroom, take any scattered items and stash them in drawers. Stack magazines neatly.
  • Next is to dust off surfaces following the process in the bedroom. Use a long-handled duster for blinds.
  • For glass surfaces, use a dampened microfiber cloth to clean them in a circular motion.
  • Deal with floors using your vacuum cleaner starting from a back corner.

And done! Aside from the obvious reason, cleaning your home can also be an excellent stress-reliever. Now that it’s a whole lot cleaner, give yourself a treat for a job well done.

The Best Home Cleaning Tips To Get Your Home Cleaned Faster www.domesblissity.comKyle Ritchie is a do-it-yourself enthusiast who writes for Best Vacuum Resource. He likes to share his passion on home improvement to his readers, and loves to play baseball with his sons in his free time.




The Best Home Cleaning Tips to Get Your Home Cleaned Faster www.domesblissity.com