Some people can’t wait for the holiday season and start counting down the days to Christmas in October. They have all of their presents ready by November, their Christmas tree looks better than the one at the mall, and their feasts are talked about for years to come. For most of us though, as much joy the holidays bring, they also come with their particular stresses. Here are some small things to keep you sane during the Holiday season.

Small Things to Keep You Sane During the Holiday Season

Have a cooking plan

Those who have tried winging it when it comes to the holiday feast know that a worse idea has seldom been tried. When you decide to improvise, or – heaven forbid! – try out new recipes for the first time, you are opening yourself up to immense tension which will take its toll on you even if everything turns out fine. The holidays are absolutely not the time to experiment.

Create a cooking plan in advance, and shop accordingly. If you are itching to try out something new, give it at least one trial run beforehand. There’s nothing worse than having your guests turn up, when your dinner is charred, undercooked, tasteless or rubbery.

Everything that can be made ahead, should be (dishes that can be reheated or are eaten cold), and then kept in the fridge or freezer. Christmas Day should be reserved for turkey, and a few details that absolutely have to be prepared fresh.

Getting those presents

Small Things to Keep You Sane During the Holiday Season

We put ourselves under immense pressure to get perfect presents for every single person in our lives and that’s becoming increasingly hard. Let’s face it, we live in a fairly materialistic society and people already have most things they want or need.

To avoid stressing about gifts at the last moment, when Christmas shopping insanity is reaching epic proportions and stress levels are going through the roof, try to get the shopping out of the way early. One good tactic is to actually buy presents throughout the year, whenever you come across something that you know would be a great gift for one of your loved ones.

To solve the problem of those people who just seem to have everything, get them experiences, instead of material things. For instance, a day at the spa, massage certificates, lunches, some dance classes for adults, a bungee jump or even a tattoo can be a less conventional but always welcome token of your love.

Surviving the family

Small Things to Keep You Sane During the Holiday Season

According to psychologists, the holidays are one of the most stressful times of the year. The reasons are numerous: most of us balance work and home life, the financial strain is bigger that normally, the chores multiply and those who are single or in any way unhappy with their life situation are reminded of it constantly. On top of it all, this is the time of the year when you are reminded of your family. Even those with an intact, well-meaning family can find it stressful to deal with them, let alone those less fortunate.

Whether you spend time together, and feel under unbearable scrutiny, or your loved ones are absent from your life for whatever reason, facing your family issues can be hard, especially on top of everything else. To survive this time together in as painless manner as possible, lay some ground rules for yourself. Don’t drink too much, and avoid drunk relatives.

Don’t instigate or engage in confrontation – a family reunion is neither the time nor the place to broach heavy topics. Watch TV, take naps and long showers, and anything else that will allow you at least some alone time away from the nosiness and the incessant chatter.

Finally, try to remember that, when all is said and done, you still love these people, and you would miss them if they weren’t there. Focus on your blessings instead of your differences.

Try not to overeat

Small Things to Keep You Sane During the Holiday Season

The food at holidays is so tasty and plentiful that it gets a lot of us stuck in a vicious circle: overeat at Christmas, then make a New Year’s decision to lose weight, which then normally turns into a yearlong struggle to lose those stubborn few pounds. The whole process is soaked in guilt and low self-esteem, naturally.

But we never seem to think about doing it the other way around, and making the decision to not overeat in the first place. Try to balance your indulgences with wholesome options like salad. And definitely don’t “save yourself” for lunch or dinner, but start the day with a healthy breakfast.


If you organize and prepare yourself for the holidays, you will eliminate most of the tension. That way, all you’ll be left with are the wonderful aspects of the most magical time of year.

This is a guest post by Roxana Oliver. Roxana is a travel enthusiast and lifestyle consultant from Sydney and she loves to write about her adventures. She is all about the healthy lifestyle, loves to run with her husband and dogs and has fun cooking exotic meals for her family. Being a typical Aussie, she often hits the waves and loves beaches and sunshine! You can find out more about her writing following her on Twitter and Facebook. She is also one of the editors at Highstylife Magazine. All thoughts and opinions are that of the guest blogger.