What if you could grocery shop, spend very little money, create an amazing variety of meals for your family that you know they eat and not waste any food? Sound good?

The Shop Smart, Eat Well Program is exactly that. Let me begin by saying this isn’t anything ground breaking or new. This is exactly how our mothers and grandmothers and women before them fed their families.

I’ve based my grocery shopping and meals on this program all my life so it suits anyone at any stage of their life.

It’s not rocket science and it certainly works because for my family of 2 adults, 2 children, 1 dog and 2 birds, I only spend $150 per fortnight and that’s for everything. It includes food, toiletries, cleaning products (which aren’t many because I don’t even walk down the cleaning aisle of the supermarket, only to buy dishwashing detergent and homebrand soap powder).

Shop Smart, Eat Well Program Domesblissity.com

It’s based around what I like to call “running your kitchen like a restaurant”.

Restaurants don’t create a meal plan, they have a menu that changes from season to season.

Restaurants have a kitchen that is well stocked kitchen with the ingredients they need to cook that menu AND they can create variations of those meals based around what needs using up first so they don’t waste money or lose profits.

That’s why I created the Shop Smart, Eat Well program. To show people how easy it is to save money on groceries, prepare easy meals that you and your family will eat plus create a wide variety of similar meals so you’re not eating the same thing.

I share all of my grocery haul videos and what I eat every evening in my Facebook group, Shop Smart, Eat Well and you can join and learn this very easy process and save money, save time and have the money and time to spend on more important things.

Alternatively, check out more about the Shop Smart, Eat Well program here and starting saving now.