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I see you Mama! Flappin those arms all about. Hectic mornings dictate the kind of day you’re going to have. I know! I’ve been there!

But it doesn’t have to be like that nor does it have to be so rigid that you wash on Mondays, iron on Tuesdays (ironing?), wash floors on Wednesday etc. It really doesn’t have to be that difficult.

I was quite OCD before my children came along and any kind of routine or structure went out the window. I went by my children’s routine. Everything else just went by the wayside.

That was until I learnt to manage those things that were most important to me in having a clean and tidy home.

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They could be things like making your bed, clearing the bathroom vanity, doing a quick sweep or vacuum of the house or clearing the breakfast dishes.

The rest of the day is yours. Whether you go to work, have small children at home or you love to craft or sew. Whatever it is you like to do, do more of it. Don’t worry about the housework or rigid routines.

You want to make life more simple for yourself not more difficult.

Block out 2 hours per week to give your home more attention, whether that’s the regular house clean, decluttering, organising, doing the laundry or whatever else you need to do. Get your family on board to all pitch in and get the big clean done together if you can.

You won’t know yourself after you implement my Roadmap to Routine! Best of luck!

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