Learn (1)

New crafts are being created all the time. I just can’t keep up with them. There is much to learn online but I’ve always wanted to learn waterbrush lettering.



Waterbrush lettering can be done digitally by downloading a font on the computer. I’ve always wanted to try it freehand. It would be handy for writing greeting cards, labels, artwork etc. 

3 months worth of classes for only $0.99

Skillshare is a new way of keeping your skills up to date with the latest in creative pursuits and this new Waterbrush Lettering Essentials class (*) by Teela Cunningham is just one of the classes available.  Skillshare has a great deal on at the moment, for a limited time only, where you can unlock 3 months worth of classes for only $0.99! (*) How great is that? You could be learning about other forms of writing, computer skills, different art classes, flower arranging, online business skills, making videos with your smart phone and the list goes on.

I can’t wait to get started on my class and find other classes to do. It keeps my mind active by learning new things.


(*) Affiliate link
