You may have heard of FOMO (the Fear Of Missing Out) or DOMO (some Japanese cartoon character) but have you heard of JOMO, the Joy of Missing Out? It’s a condition I have and one I don’t suffer from, at all.

JOMO The Joy of Missing Out

What is JOMO?

The Joy of Missing Out is a term I stumbled across in a meme and when I saw it I thought it summed me up perfectly.

The Joy of Missing out

For as long as I can remember I’ve never been one to ‘jump on the bandwagon’ when something new comes out, a new television program is released or a new movie/book or craze, for example.

It’s been quite rewarding to think that I don’t have to worry about keeping up with what everyone else is doing. Making sure I keep up with the latest episode of that particular program, making sure I run out and buy that book that everyone is reading or visiting that latest food truck craze that everyone seems to be raving about, for example.

Don’t follow trends

It’s so exhilarating to think that I’m not tied to trends. The latest brand of fashion being promoted by social media influencers are ignored. The latest recipe craze of using chocolate bars to using in baking because it might seem easier or there seems to be some nostalgia tied to it, for example. To me, that’s not a craze, that’s just crazy!

I can’t even remember exactly when the worldwide phenomenon “The Game of Thrones” TV program came out. Everyone was, and still is, raving about it. Only earlier this year we saw it advertised for free on our TV subscription, watched a couple episodes and wondered what all the hype was about.

Don’t be a ‘bandwagon jumper’

The joy of missing out means I don’t have to add another thing to my already full list of things to try, see or buy. The same applies to when “The Fifty Shades” series of books came out. I can remember everyone going crazy about it. I didn’t jump on the bandwagon because I just didn’t want to. I love being different and free from following what everyone else is in to.

Sure, I use social media for inspiration especially when it comes to cooking. I have my favourite TV shows or movies but I’m not tied to them. If I miss an episode, I miss an episode.

Throw away the junk mail

There’s something quite exhilarating about not looking at the junk mail too. What I don’t know is on sale won’t hurt me. There’s nothing I need. If it’s not shelter, food or clothing then I don’t need it. If I do need one of those things, I’ll get what I can afford or spend the least amount of money on it as possible because I would rather spend my money on experiences, not stuff.

The companies that use the junk mail to market their specials are very clever at creating emotion into thinking you need something. To think that I’d have to go to KMart every time a new catalogue or new range is released would frustrate me no end. How would I find the time to do what I need and like to do? What about the extravagant waste of money? The junk or useless products you’re bringing into your home just because a company suggests you do is only going to clutter your home and give you extra things to dust.

It’s not the end of the world if you miss it

Sure, I have and have had my favourite TV programs over the years but if I miss it, I’ll get around to watching it or I won’t. It’s not the end of the world. I’m happy with my style in home decor or clothing. I think it’s pretty individual and a mix and match style that changes if I change. I won’t let my style be dictated by anyone or any company.

I didn’t have a mobile phone until my daughter was born. I didn’t feel I needed one before that. I know people who’ve had them since they were invented. I was born at a time when if you were out, you used a telephone box or it waited until you got home.

The JOMO Book

When I googled ‘JOMO’, I found out that it’s actually a book written by a Canadian woman, Christina Crooke. I haven’t read it but I’m going to try and get my hand on a copy. I’m not sure there’s anything in there I don’t already know but it will be an interesting read anyway.

Try it – what have you got to lose?

If you try JOMO you’ll find you’ll have more time on your hands. You’ll be aware of finding your own style, enjoying what you’ve already got without having to buy something new or what everyone else is buying. I’m not saying if you really love the shoes, buy the shoes but don’t feel that because someone suggested it and you don’t need new shoes, don’t feel obliged to buy them because of that reason. You’ll also be more in tune with what you like and your surroundings. It’s such a liberating feeling that you’re not tied to anything or anyone.

Instead of having FOMO, the Fear of Missing Out, why don’t you try JOMO. It might just free up a lot of stress in your life and your wallet.

JOMO: The Joy of Missing Out