I have to be honest and up front and say that there really is no right or wrong way to wash thermal lined curtains. You can check the manufacturer’s washing instructions or you can do it like I do, the safe way. I’ve washed many thermal lined curtains over the years. Some on a full wash cycle and they’ve come out perfect. Other times they’ve come out with the thermal lining stuck together and unable to be saved. The lining just peels off as you try to untangle the huge mess you’ve been left with. Anyone else know what I’m talking about?

My spring cleaning schedule has taken a bit of a back seat this year. The 1st of September signals the start of Spring here in Australia and getting married on the 12th and just returning from my honeymoon, I have kind of let it go. Priorities, right? I did, however, make a start on the living room. As you can see, the curtains are very grimy on the bottom due to the condensation build up from the windows in the winter. I do try to vacuum the curtains on a regular basis but it doesn’t clean the thermal lined backing.

As soon as the curtains came down, I gave the windows a quick wipe with a microfibre cloth and just water. It’s the easiest and most cost effective method of cleaning windows I’ve found that doesn’t leave any streaks whatsoever.

It’s also a good opportunity to give all the curtain fittings a good clean too.

The best way I’ve found to clean thermal lined curtains is to fill your washing machine with warm water and a little soap powder and dissolve the powder (or liquid if you use it) well. Once your washing machine has filled, put in the curtain and let it go through the wash cycle. Don’t let the machine start to spin.

Once complete, fill your laundry tub with water and rinse well.

Then just hang it straight on the clothesline, ensuring you peg on the top where the seam is. That will ensure no creases are left halfway down the curtain when you hang it back up. I don’t bother ironing or pressing the curtains. On a nice sunny, breezy day, all the wrinkles will go.

And that’s it! If the water wasn’t too dirty when you washed the first curtain, repeat with remaining curtains otherwise drain the washing machine and refill. I try to do one room at a time. One room’s curtains down, two to go. I’m on a mission to get it all done by the end of October and looking at my schedule I’ve got no hope in hell of accomplishing that. Wish me luck!