Having a tree in your backyard is beneficial in more ways than one. A tree can become a good source of shade – perfect during the summer season when you or your family members would want to rest. A tree can also add value to your property while alleviating the mood of everyone who sees it – lush green trees are always a pleasant sight to see, right? But how do you know if a tree is dangerous in your backyard?

How to know if a tree is dangerous in your backyard www.domesblissity.com

When you have a lot of trees in your backyard, you’re also helping conserve the environment in your way. Without a doubt, a tree can do so many things to your backyard and your property. However, there’ll be instances that trees can also do the complete opposite – there’ll be times when your tree can do more harm than good. And if you don’t do anything about this, a tree can pose serious risks not only to your property but your family as well.

You don’t need to become a rocket scientist to know that trees are very helpful. But just like any living thing in this world, trees can also grow old and die over time. When this happens, trees can no longer provide the benefits you’ve expected. If you want to maintain the value of your property and keep your family free from any harm, watch out for the following signs:

The trees have extensive damage

There are many reasons why trees are damaged, but most often than not, storms are the most common culprits. If harsh weather conditions recently affected your area, take the time to check the trees in your backyard. Cracked limbs are minor issues as these can be cut down easily, but serious damage to the trunk of the tree might mean that you have to call professionals like Bellarine Trees, for tree removal. You shouldn’t wait for “another sign” as this can only result in more costs and damages.

The trees are leaning

This is one of the most visible signs that a tree in your backyard is already dangerous. When trees are leaning to one side (especially when it was standing straight before), it means that it’s no longer strong enough to hold its size and maintain its upward position. It won’t be long before these trees will fall to the ground.

The trees have dead or decaying wood

Dead or decaying wood can be easily identified. If you see any hanging branches from your trees, remove them immediately. These branches can become unstable during strong winds and can cause damage to anyone who’s near it. But if these branches are too large or are situated in the higher part of the tree, it’s best if you call professionals for help. Cutting these branches on your own can compromise your safety.

The trees are full of algae

Every plant needs water to grow – and algae are no exemption. If you see algae growing on the trunks or roots of your trees, it might mean that moisture has already seeped in and your trees are no longer as strong. Give it time, and your trees can fall because of this algae.

The branches of the trees are hanging on your property

Big trees growing around your home can make your property stand out in your neighborhood. Everyone loves to see nature embrace a home’s contemporary design. Your home might look good with trees, but when its branches are already hanging on top of your home’s roof, you might face more significant problems soon. Sudden weather changes can cause these branches to snap and damage your roof. You’ll end up paying for expensive roof replacement or repair services once this happens.

The branches of the trees are tangled in electrical wires

How to know if a tree is dangerous in your backyard www.domesblissity.com

Regardless of how you tend to your trees, you can never control the direction of the branches. Some might tilt to the right or left while others will grow straight upward. The direction of the branches is no cause for concern except when these are already getting in the way of electrical wires. When electrical wires are tangled on your trees’ branches, electricity supply might be disrupted, and you can even be electrocuted once you try to remove these wires on your own.

The roots are damaged

The roots hold the tree in its location. If the roots are too weak or severely damaged, the tree can die or fall down. If you suspect the roots of your trees are damaged, check for thinning foliage, dead branches or undersized leaves. Limited tree growth despite constant watering can also be a sign that the roots are damaged. And while you can check your roots on your own, there are other signs which only a professional can distinguish so make sure you call for one as soon as possible.

Act Right Away

When you’re a homeowner, it’s not enough that you just plant and grow trees; as a homeowner, you should also make sure that these trees are actually safe especially for your family. You have spent time and money on these trees and seeing all of your investment become useless in the end can be heartbreaking. Frequently check the trees in your backyard and use this article as your reference to know what to look for. The moment you see your trees showing any signs of danger, immediately call for professional help. Don’t wait for another day to take action because by then, your trees might have already caused damage to your property and family members.