If you’re like me and are thinking about trying your hand at selling some of your clutterinstead of just donating it, which I’ve done for years, here are some places you can try. If you’re decluttering your home, here’s where to sell your stuff.

Decluttering Your Home: 9 places where to sell your stuff - Domesblissity.com


Still a popular choice for those collectibles or vintage items. I know a lot of people who still go to ebay first before they try any other online source.



Besides Facebook’s specific ‘Marketplace’ to share your goods for sale, think of local buy, swap and sell Facebook pages in your area.

Also, if your item is specific, check if there is a Facebook group for that specifically, eg school uniforms, kid’s clothes, books, plus size clothing, toys etc.

A lot of parenting groups have a day designated for the week when you can share you items for sale.



Besides being an excellent place to sell your handmade goods, Etsy is an excellent place to sell vintage items.

Linen, crockery, vintage clothing, shoes etc. “Vintage” covers a wide range so it could be antique or something retro from the early 70’s or 80’s. Keep it in mind.


Gumtree (Australia)

My husband still swears by Gumtree and has had a lot of success buying and selling. It’s free to list and people will come to your home to collect.



Craigslist is in Australia now too. I don’t know much about it other than it is a buy/sell platform. Check for a Craigslist in your town, State or country.



Although you won’t receive any money for your goods, you can have someone collect those big items or a whole collection. Freecycle is all around the world and you can post giveaway or wanted items.

I’ve picked up fridges, lounge suites and really odd items plus given away whole collections of any number of things, eg boy’s size 8 clothes, girl’s size 6 shoes, collection of recipe books, miscellaneous car parts or open shed (come and take what you want which resulted in my whole shed being cleared out and organised after my divorce).


Garage/Yard Sale

Although garage sales don’t seem to be as popular as they were compared to years ago here in Australia, people do still have them.

It always seems like a big job though to hang onto all your stuff, price it, put it out, then pack away what you don’t sell. You might still find it really successful for you. Post signs around where you live or put up flyers at local shops or share on social media.

Car Boot Sales

These are still really popular all over the world. Box up your clutter and put it in the boot of the car. Take it up the the local church or whoever is holding the Car Boot Sale, open the boot (trunk) and sell your wares.

You only need to mark the box or say “fill a big for $2” etc. What you don’t sell the organisation is often keen to take it continue selling in upcoming car boot sales or they will donate it to organisations in need.

You’ll also find antique or vintage fairs if you have specific items. Also clothes swap parties are a great place to sell your old clothes, shoes and accessories and pick up some new things for yourself.

On Consignment

Some specialty stores like book sellers, antique dealers, secondhand clothes dealers etc will sell goods on your behalf. If you have a designer handbag that you’re just not using anymore.

Decluttering Your Home: 9 places where to sell your stuff - Domesblissity.com

Perhaps designer clothes or shoes or your record collection. Antique furniture or other vintage items, check your local antique dealers for their policy on selling goods on your behalf. You might not get what you wanted if you sold it yourself but it’s gone out of your home and you’ve got a bit of cash for it.