Anyone tire of Banana Cake? I must admit, I do. It might be one of those ‘go to’ recipes for a lot of people because, like all of us, we’ve all got a heap of black bananas in the freezer. I buy them, with all good intent that my children will eat them but as soon as a black spot appears, that’s it. They won’t. “Back in my day…..” we wouldn’t have had a choice. It was that or nothing and I think they actually taste sweeter when they’re a bit ripe. Anyway, my children drive me nuts sometimes but that’s another story. 
To tell you the truth, I can’t remember where I got this recipe from. I thought I’d try something different apart from my usual No Fuss Fudge Cake recipe which I use for just about any cake. Without any disrespect to the writer of the recipe, I did find this one a little dry but it still got eaten. 
It’s just basically your normal banana cake with a mixture of cinnamon and brown sugar sprinkled on top of half the batter and then the remaining batter poured on top and baked. You can leave it like that or run your knife through it to get a ‘swirl’ effect, like I did. I bake most of my cakes for the kids in a square pan. It’s easy to slice into even pieces and what I do is slice it and wrap in cling film and pop in the freezer, ready to grab for the lunch boxes.
This cake was received well and is just a little different to your normal, plain banana which, don’t get me wrong, can be very nice but I get a little over it. (Another thing I do to change up a banana cake is to add 1/2 a cup of peanut butter or any other nut butter you have. Nutella is also nice.) I’ve got to keep on top of my game when it comes to my kids or things just get wasted. Just use your favourite banana cake recipe and see how many different combinations you come up with. Maybe you’ve got a favourite way to adjust the good old banana cake. I’d love to know.