You can make any space feel like home with a little creativity and a sprinkle of ingenuity. Sometimes, moving into a new home can make you feel anxious and a little bit uncomfortable. Even after unpacking everything, your home can still feel less homey.

Making your space feel like home can have a tremendous impact on your physical, mental and even spiritual being. Having a space that you can look forward to going home to can be done by making some changes here and there.

Here are five tips to transform your space into the home that you deserve.

Use Art Decors

Hang your favorite wall decors and art as soon as you move into your new space. According to studies, art can significantly reduce stress and can be a source of happiness for some people. This is especially true if the art you hang are gifts from people you love or your own creation.

Art doesn’t have to be expensive. Here are some art decors you can adorn your walls with:


Display your fondest memories on your walls so you can be reminded of them every day. Whether you frame them or stick them neatly, you can never go wrong with photos.


This material can be beneficial for small homes. It makes your space look so much bigger and even brighter if you put it in the right spot.


Not only do they look good on the floor, but also on walls as well. Rugs immediately add texture and personality to any room. Just make to use them sparingly, one or two in different rooms would suffice.

For example, the Apartments Brunswick East has made Art an essential part of their apartments. They transformed an old site into a twenty-first-century living space using mainly art decorations.

Adopt A Clutter-Free Space

People say that an organized home can help make you more productive. Begin transforming your space into a home by getting rid of things that really means nothing to you. You don’t want to keep buying things especially if you don’t have much storage space.

Declutter your home by following this technique:

  • Pick a spot in your house and set a timer for 30 minutes.
  • Take out items and decide if they should go or stay.
  • If an item has not been used in the last 6 months or if it’s broken, you have to get rid of it.
  • The timer you set for each spot will help you make decisions faster.

Getting rid of things doesn’t mean throwing them away. You can donate, sell or give them to a friend. The money you make from selling these items can be used for more meaningful things, like buying a spa treatment to pamper yourself!

Consider Getting A Pet

Not everyone can stand getting a pet, and that’s understandable. A home is better with a dog welcoming you when you enter your apartment. Having pets can help reduce stress, teaches you responsibility and gives you that sense of social support when you need it. Furthermore, a pet doesn’t necessarily have to be a dog or a cat. It can be something else, like a fish or if you’re adventurous, you can even go for a spider.

Get Some Plants

Just like pets, plants can have a tremendous impact on your mood and well-being. The sense of nature is something that we all need more of, especially in a fast-paced digital age. Even if you don’t have a green thumb, you can still go for plants that require less maintenance such as succulents. Additionally, having plants can also help you have a healthier lifestyle.

For example, planting herbs and vegetables can help you make organic meals. You’re 100% sure that everything is natural as you were the one who grew them.

Maintain A Clean Home

Keep a clean space; nothing makes a home more uncomfortable than messy things. Make sure that your home is thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis. The effort you put into maintaining a clean space will help you feel more relaxed during your down times. Do a deep clean at least once a week and make sure you do daily maintenance work such as the following:

Make your bed

After waking, put an effort to making your bed. It will make you feel more relaxed when you get home.

Do the dishes

Don’t wait for it to pile up, practice cleaning as you go.

Do the laundry on a regular basis

This would include your towels and your sheets. Nothing is more fantastic than sleeping in a freshly washed bed sheet.

Cleaning your home may not be as luxurious as you may think. But, the decorations in your space will mean nothing when you have a messy and smelly home.


You have to remember that your home is a reflection of your personality. No matter how big or small your space is, with the proper dedication you can turn any space into a comfortable and relaxing home. Get those creative juices out of your system and start working on your space.