So you want to become more organised in your life, both your personal and home life. How can showing gratitude help you become more organised in your home? Let me explain these 7 benefits of gratitude for an organised home life can transform your home from a clutter mess to a more peaceful, organised, calm home.

7 Benefits of Gratitude for an Organised Home Life

There is scientific evidence that showing gratitude daily has such a profound effect on all areas of your life. One benefit, in particular, I want to share with you is how it can help you become more organised in your home.

Rewires the brain

Showing gratitude on a daily basis rewires the brain and changes your thoughts from being negative to more positive. It helps you to relax, become more resilient, less envious and creates happier memories.

Studies show that expressing gratitude consistently, over an extended period of time, will start to change your thought process to automatically look for the good in every situation instead of looking at the negative.

Increases productivity

I know what it’s like to lose all motivation. This was evident to me when I my mother passed away back in 2012, just after my marriage ended and I suffered depression. I lacked all motivation to keep my home tidy and organised.

I didn’t know where to start to get my home into order again. I was overwhelmed.

After seeking professional help, I soon started a gratitude journal and, nearly instantaneously, I became motivated to get my house into order. My productivity increased naturally and I was motivated to do more.

Improves relationships

7 Benefits of Gratitude for an Organised Home Life

One of the greatest things I’ve found that helps me to become more organised by keeping a gratitude journal is the effect it has had on the relationships in my family.

As any parent would know, dealing with babies, toddlers, school aged children or teenagers can be challenging. Let alone any flow on effect that might have with your partner.

Focusing on what you’re grateful for in your life, will create a calmer home environment. Setting a good example will show your children that you can remain calm when there are times of conflict. They will want to contribute to doing their part to maintain that sense of calmness and help with chores and keeping your home organised.

Increases self esteem

By writing in a gratitude journal daily your self esteem will increase. You will feel better about yourself and the home you live in. You will want to create a peaceful and calm home environment and make changes to keeping it tidy.

You will discover that you’re worth it. That you’re worth having a nice, tidy home. One that you can find things easily. One that is orderly and everything is in it’s place.

It doesn’t have to be a show home but a home you can be proud of. You will also find that you’ll want to take better care of your health, your finances and so many other areas of your life.

You’ll have more energy

Expressing gratitude will give you more energy. You’ll have the energy to want to clean your home. You’ll want to keep on top of things. You’ll pack things away before they become a cluttered mess.

You’ll have more energy to spend time playing with your children. You’ll have more energy to want to cook a wholesome healthy meal for your family instead of buying take out.

It will increase your energy on so many levels. You’ll have a new lease on life.

You’ll be less envious

One of the worst things about social media and the internet today is that it creates envy in people. That your life, in comparison to what you see on the internet, is somehow less perfect or not the kind of life you want to live at all.

By showing gratitude daily for what you do have instead of what you don’t you’ll be happy with your own life and what you have. You won’t want to seek external, material possessions to make you feel better. You’ll naturally feel good about your own circumstances.

Helps you become optimistic

If you focus on the negatives in your life, it doesn’t give you much hope for the future. Practicing gratitude will help you believe that you do in fact have a wonderful life. That your future is bright and there is so much to look forward to.

It will naturally bring more wonder, more enjoyment, more peace and calm and more hope into your life.

Because you’ll have more energy, better health, improved relationships, better financial management and ultimately a more organised home, you’ll be looking forward to more of the same.

Your outlook on life will improve immensely and you’ll be living your dream life.

7 Benefits of Gratitude for an Organised Home Life #organize #organised #organization #organise #organised #organisation