After a long day at work, dealing with a stressful boss and a tiring commute, all you can ever think of is going home. Home is where you should find peace and quiet, and a place where you can calm your nerves and relax. Here are 6 steps for creating a calm and peaceful home.

6 Steps For Creating A Calm And Peaceful Home

But, what if your home contributes to your exhaustion? That will surely deplete your energy and could affect you psychologically. It’s essential to have a home where you can get away from all the chaos, and recharge. 

Here are six steps in creating a calm and peaceful home.


In a house where it’s hot and humid, you’ll feel more worn out. Humidity doesn’t only affect physical health but also your mental well-being. In warm places, especially your home, you wouldn’t be able to express positive emotions and become very irritated.

To reduce the humidity in your home, you can do the following:

  • Open windows to let air flow naturally.
  • Place desiccant containers in different parts of your house
  • Run a fan to keep the air flowing.
  • If all else fails, use a quiet dehumidifier to create a more relaxed and calm feeling.

Declutter your home

6 Steps For Creating A Calm And Peaceful Home

If your house is cluttered, the more you’ll feel exhausted just by looking at all the mess. It’s time to declutter by doing the following:

  • Sort all your stuff and determine which ones are still useful and which are not. Do this room by room, one weekend at a time so you won’t get overwhelmed.
  • Provide a big box for every room to put in items that should be disposed. Once you start putting in things that you won’t need, you’ll find it easier to put in another one, and another.
  • Consider donating some of your stuff, let go of things that are not very useful to you. You’ll find joy thinking of other people that would be happy with what you will give them.
  • Try selling all your unused stuff through a garage sale. You declutter and earn a little money at the same time.
  • If you find it hard to throw away things, start visualizing your home without all the clutter and imagine how you would feel in a spacious and clutter-free home.
  • Live an organized life.Basic living is the key to a peaceful clutter-free home.

Listen to soothing music

Music can do wonders in making your brain relax, and it helps relieve stress and anxiety. Playing soft music in the house will create a soothing effect and set your mood to be calm and peaceful. It will help you focus, especially if you’re studying. Try classical music, they say it’s more effective.

Use scented candles

The sense of smell can trigger emotions, that’s why the scented candle has an excellent calming effect. You can choose different scents that will elicit different emotions in you.

A few examples are:

  • Lemon – The smell of lemon can relieve your stress and can help you stay calm because of its refreshing smell.
  • Jasmine – The smell of jasmine promotes feelings of energy and positivity.
  • Peppermint – To invigorate the mind, use peppermint scent and experience the feeling of clarity.
  • Lavender – It’s commonly used for aromatherapy because of its ability to make you focus on the positive emotions and forget the bad.

Use calming colors

Colors significantly affect your mood. If you come home to light and refreshing colors, you’ll surely feel positive. Having shades of yellow, peach, cream or light blue can provide a calm and peaceful ambiance.

Indoor plants

Plants make you feel better, and they provide a sense of peace and tranquility. Several plants can de-stress your home and are known for their calming properties. Some of them are:

  • Aloe Vera – Aside from its healing properties to your skin, aloe vera also helps make good air quality in your home.
  • Peace Lily – You will surely feel at peace with Peace Lily because of its lovely flower and because it’s low maintenance.
  • Bamboo Palm – Famous for cleaning the air, bamboo is also known for keeping your home stress-free.
  • Spider Plant – Not only it is pretty and easy to grow, but it’s also great at keeping the air clean.

Creating a peaceful and calm home will not be possible if people living in it don’t appreciate peace and quiet. All efforts should come from you. Train your mind to stay calm even when things don’t go the way you want them to. Speak softly and focus on the good things, not the bad. Remember that peace and calmness starts from the heart.