The kitchen is the heart of the home. Our lives and routines revolve around the meals we make and the food we keep in this bustling space. So it makes sense that this room produces most of our household waste. What can we do to make our kitchens more eco-friendly? Here are 5 easy ways to make your kitchen greener.

Reuse glass jars

Glass jars are easy to reuse in your kitchen. They are great for storing spices, dried herbs and grains in your pantry.

Glass jars make perfect containers for homemade jams and jellies (to keep in your kitchen or gift to a friend). My favorite way to reuse glass jars in the kitchen is to make overnight oats for breakfast in them.

Join a CSA/grow your own vegetables and herbs

CSAs (or community-supported agriculture) is a great way to support your local farmers. You commit to buying a portion of the farm’s harvest and receive fresh and local produce all season long.

This not only supports the small businesses in your community, it also helps save the planet by eliminating the environmental damage that comes with mass food shipping and storage. Check out Local Harvest for a database of farms that offer CSAs near you.

Growing your own vegetables and herbs is as easy as adding some quality organic soil, seeds and water to a pot or a spot in your yard with ample sunshine. Start small and you will be encouraged to see how simple and satisfying it is to be a green gardener.

Invest in eco-friendly, reusable food storage containers

Quality food storage that’s leak-proof, compact and durable is essential in the kitchen.

Choose glass or BPA-free plastic containers that can be microwaved or frozen, and try to find stackable storage so that it takes up minimal cabinet space when not in use. I like this plastic set from Pop It! for its airtight locking lids and variety of container sizes.

How to pack an eco-friendly lunch

Another great green container option is the bento box, which has separate sections so you can perfectly portion your lunch. Check out how to pack an eco-friendly lunch for more info on bento boxes.

Recycle and compost for a greener kitchen

The best thing you can do to be green is to reuse as much as possible. Let’s be honest, in the kitchen it’s not easy to get to zero waste. Recycling and composting are important ways to help reduce our eco-footprint.

It is essential that we understand how to recycle properly. Simply throwing every piece of glass, plastic or cardboard into the recycling bin can actually do more harm than good.

Take a few minutes to educate yourself on the recycling guidelines in your community so that your efforts are helping, not hurting, the planet.

Composting may sound intimidating, but it’s really quite easy. Start by adding your food scraps to a countertop compost bin. When it’s full, find a small spot in the corner of your yard where you can combine the food scraps with carbon-rich matter like dried leaves, branches and coffee grounds.

Let this mixture break down and – voilà! – you’re a composter. Composting yields wonderful soil (to grow those herbs and veggies we talked about) and greatly reduces kitchen and landfill waste.

Be aware of your appliance energy consumption

Upgrading your kitchen appliances with Energy Star-certified replacements will save you 30% on your energy bills and eliminate more than 5,500 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions.

Moreover, running your dishwasher on eco mode and only when it’s full will prevent 100 pounds of carbon pollution.

I hope these tips will help you make sustainable swaps and informed eco-choices so that wasted food and empty containers don’t find their way to the trash, and green living becomes the standard in your kitchen.

Author Bio

Erin Dalton is a freelance writer and editor and the founder of The Slow Green Movement which serves a growing community looking to incorporate simple sustainable changes into their busy lives. As a mother of three, including a daughter with a peanut allergy, Erin is always looking for easy ways to be greener and healthier. Connect with Erin at on her blog The Slow Green Movement, on Instagram or at

5 Easy Ways to Make Your Kitchen Greener -