If you’re looking for a versatile ingredient that keeps well in the pantry, even after being opened, tahini is it. A perfect alternative to peanut butter and allergy free, tahini is perfect. Here are 20 sweet or savoury recipes using tahini.

20 sweet or savoury tahini recipes Domesblissity.com

What is tahini?

Tahini is ground sesame seeds, usually blended with a neutral flavoured oil to form a paste widely used by Middle Eastern countries and is a common ingredient in hummus. It really is what makes hummus taste so good.

It’s perfect to use as a substitute in every way you use traditional nut butters including spread on toast or in baking.

You can buy tahini from the supermarket reasonably priced but you can also make it yourself if you can find sesame seeds in bulk cheaply.

Savoury Tahini Recipes

Sweet Tahini Recipes

20 Sweet or Savoury Recipes Using Tahini

20 sweet & savoury recipes using tahini Domesblissity.com