Twelve feature plant ideas for your new home. Find out more about which plants work best indoors to create a statement for inside your new home.

More people are considering having plants in their homes. Plants have been proven to improve one’s mood. They also improve air quality as they absorb pollutants, as well as increase humidity.  Oxygen in the air is also increased, allowing you to breathe with ease.

Aside from their health benefits, plants are also great decorations. They make empty spaces livelier. They can change bland-looking atmospheres by adding pops of colors. Designers also use plants as home décor because of their natural aesthetics.

Taking care of plants is also a low-maintenance hobby. Being a plant mom or a plant dad can be a very therapeutic past time. Plants can bring happiness and joy, just like how traveling in nature brings.

Furthermore, there are many indoor plants that are great for your new home. Here are some of your best options:


Succulents are low-maintenance plants that require little watering. They’re great indoor plants and they require little to no sunlight. They also thrive even in the shadiest places. Some grow very small, just like a drinking glass, so they make for great desk plants.

There are many types of succulents you can choose from. Interestingly, cactus comes from the family of succulents, thus, you can start by having common succulents, such as bunny-ear cactus, prickly pear cactus, and cabbage cactus, among others.

Succulents are easy to find in local garden shops, as well as online through sites like FloraFolia.


Pothos plants are very versatile and they can thrive anywhere. They also don’t need much care, like succulents do.

Some varieties have very green luscious leaves that resemble vines. Pothos plants have long vining stems that grow downward. They can also be great hanging plants. Most people put them on higher shelves or high areas because their stems grow downward like hair.


Bonsais are miniature versions of small trees. The term ‘bonsai’ is a Japanese technique of keeping trees small for ease of maintaining them.

Bonsais are great indoor plants to put on windows, center tables, or desks. Also, like any indoor plant, they require minimal sunlight. Watering them around twice a week will do, too.

Rubber Plant

Rubber plants prefer indirect light that’s not too harsh on their leaves, the reason why they’re some of the most common indoor plants. You only need to tend to them once a week, and they also don’t need a lot of watering.

There are many varieties of rubber plants. They can go from having very green leaves, while some have maroon or purple looking leaves. But, all rubber plants require the same care.

Rubber plants also make for great accent plants in homes. You can put them beside console tables or shelves. They’d also look great on hallways and doors.

Snake Plant

Snake plants are some of the most common indoor plants. Why not?  They’re easy to find and relatively cheap.

They’re very versatile plants that you can cultivate indoors and outdoors. You can also let them grow on direct soil or pots.

Snake plants have sword-like looking leaves that grow upwards. They also don’t like harsh sun and require minimal watering.

Spider Plant

Spider plants make for very good indoor plants. They usually have long, thin green leaves that have yellowish outlines. What’s great about these plants is that they’ll thrive even with minimal supervision.

Like most indoor plants, they only require minimal sunlight. They also prefer dry soils, so watering them once a week is recommended. They are tough plants that can survive even with the most neglectful owners.

ZZ Plant

The Zamioculcas zamiifolia or ZZ plant usually has dark green leaves, and it can grow up to two feet.

ZZ plants don’t require that much sunlight, and they need watering up to two times a week. However, take note that ZZ plants are poisonous when ingested. Just make sure they’re out of pets and children’s reach.

Aloe Vera

Aloe veras belong to the succulent family. They have pointy leaves that grow upward. Like other succulents, they require minimal sun and watering, too.

People usually keep aloe veras in their homes because of their hair and skin benefits. You can just cut out an aloe vera stem and squeeze its sap. It can be used on the hair as a conditioner.


Pileas are also known as Chinese money plants. They originated in China, but their popularity quicky spread around the world. They have circular coin-like leaves and soft stems. They should be watered only once a week, and they only need ample sunlight.

Peace Lily

Peace lilies are great indoor plants. They’re one of the few flowering plants that require low sunlight and minimal watering. They have white flowers, with yellow, brush-like erected centers called the spadix.

They’re great air purifiers as well. They grow about two to three feet, and they’re great accent plants. You can put them on large pots beside doors or along hallways.

Asparagus Fern

Asparagus ferns have hairy light green leaves. They thrive in humid places, and a little water is required to keep them alive.

They grow laterally instead of vertically, and are great for square flat pots. You can put them anywhere in your house, but it’d be best if you keep them on hanging pots.


Orchids make for great house plants, too. Some varieties only require minimal sunlight and watering. Taking care of orchids needs a little patience, although some types require more care

In addition, orchids are great decorative pieces that even designers use them as decorative plants. Orchids can be ideal table centerpieces as well. They’d also look good on vases, or you can hang them on windows.

Get Planting

Having indoor plants has many benefits for you and your family. They purify the air and they uplift the mood of the house. Taking care of plants is also a great hobby and a great way to relax.

These are some of the best indoor plants for your new home. However, you can always choose the plants you like; just make sure you know the proper way to take care of them.