Don’t throw those faded, holey old towels out. Besides being excellent cleaning rags, spew rags (which I just realised yesterday that I needed a whole heap of with my sick little boy), wiping the wet dog rags, they can be made in to many other useful things for around the house.  Here are 24 uses for old towels.

24 Uses for Old Towels


If, like me, you love to craft, reuse, recycle and make do with items from around your house, I’d love to share more ideas with you. You can subscribe to my mailing list here and be the first to hear about new projects and other great ideas I find for using up the things in our home that may otherwise end up as landfill. Together we can help save the environment, one baby step at a time.

repurpose old towels

Cut towels into strips and make this bath mat

Recycle old towels

 Large beach mat


Rescuing old towels!

New wash cloths


from old towels

 Soft toys


upcycle old towels



save those old towels

Beach bag


Recycle those old towels!



Uses for old towels

Source: via Julie on Pinterest
Hold all


Sunbathing companion
Swiffer covers from old towels
Swiffer mop cover


Sewn "paper" towels (fabric plus old towels)

Reusable paper towels


swim cover up from old towels

 Child’s swimming cover up


dog toy out of old towels

Dog chew toy


Braided Rug- recycling old towels.

Braided rug


Bath Pouf sewing tutorial - repurpose towels

Bath pouff


Repurpose Old Towels Into a Bolster Pillow

Bolster cushions


Love these! Must repurpose some of my towels!

Kitchen towel


Great way to repurpose old towels!!! Hair turban you will soon be in my cubby ;)

Hair turban


Clever idea from a gal named Georgeina: repurpose old or no-longer-used tea towels into lunch bags! #sewing

Lunch bags


old towel mitten

Oven mitt


old towel + sponge

Car sponge


old towel = bath slippers

Towelling slippers


old bath towel revisited

Spa towel


Grammy's old towel, into cushion top.

Source: via Courtney on Pinterest
Chair pad cover
24 Uses for Old Towels